I love sales, I love strategy, and I love helping companies grow their wholesale business!

My greatest professional joy is knowing that I am making an impact on the brands I work with. To be able share what has taken me 30+ years to learn and help brands increase sales and revenue, and ultimately reach their goals faster means the world to me. 

Sell-ebrating growth with my customers is the best part of my job!

From growing a start-up company with $0 sales (literally not one sale) to 7 figures within a year, to closing a million dollar deal in my 20's, to multiple President's Club Honors, to growing wholesale brands to 7+ figures in revenue, to personally selling and managing 8 figures worth of wholesale products and so much more in between; I have learned a WHOLE (pun intended!) lot about sales, strategy & people in the last 30+ years!  Now it is time to share everything I know with YOU and I can't wait!

My mission is to empower brands with cut-through-the-clutter messaging and training; tried and true processes and strategy to get products in front of and in the hands of retail partners across the country.  It is all about exposure and visibility - you already have the fabulous product!

I am here to help clients understand their true value in the retail landscape and the payoff of selling their goals to themselves first and foremost and then providing the skills to reach those goals. This is the key to then mapping out a successful, intentional plan that brings home the lifestyle “commission” earned from reaching those goals.

Anything is achievable with clarity, guidance and perseverance. 

Let's Go!

Ready To Up Your Wholesale Game?


Let's Go!

Get To Know Michele

My first sales job was working for Nutri System back in the late 80's! I loved the feeling that I was helping people reach their goals!


At 25 years old I got my first multi-million dollar deal with a video duplication company (yep, you read that right - video duplication - that'll tell you my age!)


I coached Allstar and High School cheerleading for 15 years! My practice ground to be YOUR biggest cheerleader!

While working as Sales Director for a recruiting company I managed a sales team based in Manila, had an operations team in India and my customers were in the US and UK! I guess you could say we were keeping the world employed!


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Michele Doty Sales, LLC

Wholesale Strategist


[email protected]